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Technical Meetings

The Bioinformatics Support Unit runs a technical meeting series, with talks on Tuesdays at 11:00. Most weeks, the talk is given by a member of the BSU, but we are always open to guest contributions from other researchers.

The talks are intended to be technical in nature, and so it is likely that the meeting series will be of most interest to practising bioinformaticians and computational biologists.

Drop-in Sessions

We hold drop-in sessions throughout the year. These sessions are for any researcher interested in finding out about opportunities for collaborative activity and involving bioinformatics solutions in new investigations.

It is also an opportunity to meet the Bioinformatics Support Unit staff who know a lot about informatics tools and their use as part of research project activity.

Practicalities of 'Omics 2018

Tuesday 20 March 2018, David Shaw Lecture Theatre

This year, the annual Scientific Facilities Conference returns to the subject of 'omics, and is organised by the Bioinformatics Support Unit, the Genomics Core FacilityNUPPA and the High Throughput Screening Facility

Visit the website for full details.